Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Official Photographer for the Normal CornBelters!!

One day I just happened to think...hmmmm... I'm a new business... The CornBelters are a new organization... I wonder if they have a photographer yet. And I simply picked up the phone, called the office and talked to the guy I needed to talk to. Sure enough! They were in need of a photographer. I told him I was planning on going to the game on Friday anyway, so I would snap some pics and send them to him & we could discuss early next week. So that brought us to Monday when I got the call to come meet with him on Tuesday. I asked if he needed me to bring anything else..i.e. more pics... he said, "Nope, I've seen enough!" And the rest will be history as I embark on the amazing opportunity and the exposure that will come with it! I will be taking action shots for baseball cards and team photos along with anything else they need a photographer for throughout the seasons.

Here's a few from my "trial" shots, but I have since got a new lens and I can't wait til Monday to go use it!!!

beautiful night at the Corn Crib...

meet Corny.. the mascot

safe @ 3rd...

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