Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hilary & Skye

I shot my first official paid wedding over the weekend. It was a perfect one to start with because it was actually very low key and the couple was very laid back about everything. The couple was actually from Florida & they came back to Central Illinois to do a vow ceremony & reception in front of their family. Everything took place at the Legion Hall in Farmer's City. We started the family photos outdoors, but after about 20 minutes, everyone was beginning to melt! It was a very hot & sunny summer day and rather than having everyone with sweat spots on their clothing and sweat beads dripping from their faces in the photos, the bride decided to move the rest of the group shots indoors. Thankfully I brought my backdrop! So I set it up on the stage, which worked out nicely not only for the group shots, but as the background for the vow ceremony as well.

Like I said, it was the perfect wedding to start with, low pressure, nice couple, short day. Excellent one to get the first time jitters out of the way on! Bring on the next one!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Forever Friends

I had such a blast photographing this Forever Friends session last night. It was a perfect evening for pictures and the girls were so much fun! From pretending to splash in the fountain, to trying not to fall in the lake, to almost peeing your pants trying to climb a tree... they laughed and giggled the whole time. It reminded me of myself with my friends being happy go lucky with not a care in the world. I had a professional friend session taken with my best buds when I was in high school and I just love those photos and the best part is, I am still friends with all of them! These are great pictures to have because as you part ways for college, you can take your besties with you and keep them close to your heart. Maybe after school, you will all settle back in the same area, maybe not, but no matter what happens, these are the type of friends that will be with you for a lifetime. You will look back at these pictures when you are old ladies and wish you were young enough again to climb a tree and remember how much fun you had doing it! If you want a Forever Friends shoot with your best buds, call me up! They are so much fun to shoot!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Official Photographer for the Normal CornBelters!!

One day I just happened to think...hmmmm... I'm a new business... The CornBelters are a new organization... I wonder if they have a photographer yet. And I simply picked up the phone, called the office and talked to the guy I needed to talk to. Sure enough! They were in need of a photographer. I told him I was planning on going to the game on Friday anyway, so I would snap some pics and send them to him & we could discuss early next week. So that brought us to Monday when I got the call to come meet with him on Tuesday. I asked if he needed me to bring anything else..i.e. more pics... he said, "Nope, I've seen enough!" And the rest will be history as I embark on the amazing opportunity and the exposure that will come with it! I will be taking action shots for baseball cards and team photos along with anything else they need a photographer for throughout the seasons.

Here's a few from my "trial" shots, but I have since got a new lens and I can't wait til Monday to go use it!!!

beautiful night at the Corn Crib...

meet Corny.. the mascot

safe @ 3rd...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pretty Pretty Peacock

I always go to zoos and WISH that the peacocks would spread their feathers for me. Today was the day! And it was more amazing than I imagined it would be. What an absolutely breathtaking bird! I only wish I would have had my professional camera with me today, but I didn't want to chance it with the weather forecast. My point and shoot came through for me though! Enjoy this beautiful bird...