Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Daycare Orders

WOW, I am blown away at the turnout of the daycare shoot. I mean, I heard to positive feedback, but the result has far surpassed my expectations! Thank you for your business & know that I had a blast photographing your children! And if you ever have the need for a personal shoot… birthday coming up or family shots… just let me know! I’d be happy to come to you and take some more!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Love those Curls

Here’s an example of an active little squirt that mom was getting a bit frustrated with. I told her no worries, I was getting some great shots. Mom wanted her to stand by the greenery… no need, let her go down the slide, I’ll get the greenery in the background. Mom wanted her to sit still, no need I captured that before she got up. Again with the kids, I enjoy the challenge of chasing them around, letting them be themselves and when they have the right expression and the right background behind them, I snap away. Here mom was worried that she didn’t cooperate, but as you can see, she’s actually a beautiful, happy-go-lucky, photogenic little angel.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Guy

I can’t believe my son is almost 3! Where has time gone? Despite being a photographer’s child, I was still able to get him to cooperate for his 3 year pictures. Thank goodness! This poor child has had a camera in his face since the day he came into this world. I’m pretty sure he’s used to it.. to the point that he may just grow up to be a photographer as well. Bradyn is a joy to be around, has a big, happy personality and a handsome smile. Happy Birthday B!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Corporate Event? Sure why not!

I had the opportunity to be the official photographer at a Pfizer award ceremony at the W Hotel downtown Chicago. I went into it a little nervous because I really didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out to be a great experience and a ton of fun! The evening started with a little cocktail hour, then an awards ceremony, then dinner, then Care-oke…singing for a cause. The winning team got a $500 donation to the charity of their choice. What a great idea. It was fun to see the groups interact and exhibit great teamwork in planning what they were going to sing and how to best execute the performance. I got some great shots of the group dancing, singing, and acting crazy. Would I do another corporate event? Absolutely! Bring it on! It was great.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Calling all 2011 Seniors!

Class of 2011, the time has come to start thinking about your senior pictures!! I am just entering the Senior market, so I felt I needed to get out there and get some sample shots so I could show you what I can do. I imagine it’s pretty hard to imagine by looking at the photos of all the kids on my website. So here are a few more mature poses and ideas that will help you decide that MazPix is the right choice for a fun, affordable, quality senior portrait shoot!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hammin’ it Up

I remember being 5, to a care or worry in the world…Ooohhh to be 5 again! This little man was a joy to shoot. The feedback I got when mom saw the pictures was great and she said that I really captured the real Andrew. That just solidifies that I am achieving my goal of capturing the personality and individuality of each subject. Her only complaint was, “why didn’t you start doing this 5 years ago!?” Awesome. I love it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Double the Fun!

I had a beautiful shoot with some 1 month old twins today. I traveled up to Chicago for this one & boy was it worth every minute of the trip. I could have photographed these sleeping beauties all day long! Unfortunately they were never both awake at the same time. Mom was hoping for a great shot of them both with their eyes open. Even after feeding them, changing their clothes, and all that jazz, it just wasn’t happenin'. I got some great shots anyway and a good one of each of them awake, which made a good collage. That made mom just as happy. She loves it!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ornery & his little brother

This shoot was tons of fun! Boys will be boys. I got some peaceful ones, ornery ones, fun ones, and some down right good ones! The little guy even fell asleep in the middle of the shoot. So we worked with it and got an adorable shot of how proud big brother is of his baby bro. It’s moments like this that a photographer is just flexible and let’s the kids be kids, that allows us to capture the real life moments. Sometimes the unposed, unplanned stuff is the best!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A little heartbreaker & his new baby brother

These two little guys are my best friend’s kids. Dean is 18 months & Reed just turned 1 month. (I’m guessing that means “hands full” LOL). The main goal of this shoot was to get one real good picture of the two boys together for Reed’s birth announcement. Well… Reed had other plans. He just cried and cried and cried when mommy put him down. Even if we thought he was sleeping, we had about 3 seconds of calmness before he started crying again. And as frustrating as it may be for mom who just wants her kids to cooperate for a picture, rest assured that I only need a second or two to capture a great shot! We never got the dream picture of the two of them, but we got some great ones of each of them individually, which worked nicely as a collage announcement. So even if you think your kids won’t cooperate, I can usually grab something that will still melt your heart.