Friday, June 29, 2012

Always Learning

I sat in on an all day online webinar today learning some great new things. I'm not going to reveal just what tid bits I have picked up, but just know that I do this not only for me because I'm eager to learn more and more about something I love, but for all of you as well. The more I learn, the better I get, and the more exciting my work will be as I keep up with some hot new trends!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bloggin on the go...

So I just decided it might be more realistic to blog while on the go. I have had full intentions of keeping up with a blog and share my insights with all of you... Behind the scenes and inside the photographer's heart and mind type of things after the photo shoots.

Let's get real though, it's been nearly impossible to keep up with a blog with the schedule I've been blessed with.

I am so blessed to have found/created the perfect career that is rewarding in every sense of the word. Never does a day go by that I feel like its work even though I put in more hours in a day making things happen than I ever have for any other job EVER! The past two and a half years have been an amazing journey of growing my business and meeting sooooo many wonderful people! Who knew I'd be here?

Some already know, but others may not realize....Outside of my own MazPix shoots, I also manage three hospitals for Bella Baby Photography, which I am an independent contractor for. I spend two to four days a week in the hospital actually shooting as well on top of my manager duties. We are growing too, so hopefully I'll be managing a few more in the near future!!!

Spending a few days a week with squishy newborns and happy moms is so refreshing and it's so cool to be a part of such a special moment of so many people's lives! To know its MY photos that people will be busting out in 20+years for their kids wedding sideshows just makes me smile. (or whatever new technology it might be)

The days of the thankless jobs where I barely even got a thank you at the end of the year have been replaced by numerous thank you's a day! And I THANK YOU for that!

When I'm not photographing, managing, editing, I'm living and living life. ;) i have a wonderfully supportive husband and our kiddo just turned five and is one hard little fella to keep up with. We each have our own one night a week to stay active in the sports we love and grew up playing, and then the kiddo has Tball three nights a week, so most nights we are out and about playing hard, staying young!

So you see how this whole blog just wasn't working out well.

Those who know us, know we are an ALWAYS ON THE GO family and I just discovered my blog has an app...weeeeee! So all this time I spend staring out car windows, maybe I can do a periodic blog post!

I do have another blog around cyber space somewhere that has some more recent posts, I'll have to track it down and combine....but for now, we have arrived at our destination, so that's all for now. Stay tuned, we'll see how well this mobile blog works out! ;)